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几位与会者指出短期内降息可以为未来的经济受到负面冲击时提供缓冲,从风险管理的角度来看是合意的。Some participants also noted that the continued shortfall in inflation risked a softening of inflation expectations that could slow the sustained return of inflation to the Committee‘s 2 percent objective. Several participants pointed out that they had revised down their estimates of the longer-run normal rate of unemployment and, as a result, saw a smaller upward contribution to inflation pressures from tight resource utilization than they had earlier. A few participants were concerned that inflation expectations had already moved below levels consistent with the Committee’s symmetric 2 percent objective and that it was important to provide additional accommodation in the near term to bolster inflation expectations. A few participants judged that allowing inflation to run above 2 percent for some time could help strengthen the credibility of the Committee‘s commitment to its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective.



议员的投票是否反映选民的需求也是另一个问题。根据保守党媒体Conservative Home 的调查显示,至3月底,党内支持首相脱欧方案的党员比例达到60%新高,高于2月的40%和1月的19%。分析指出,党员对无协议脱欧感悼担忧,因此宁愿选择这并非完美的方案。不过,保守党议员的投票并未完全反应党员的看法。


